Tuesday 22 November 2011

Transport : The various type of immunity

The various type of immunity

Active Immunity 
The body produces its own antibody in   response to stimulation by antigen.                            

Passive Immunity

The body receives antibody from an outside source.

Active Immunity - two types : i) NaturallyAcquired Active Immunity
                                                ii) Artificially Acquired Active Immunity

Passive Immunity-- two types : i) NaturallyAcquired Passive Immunity
                                                  ii) Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity

NaturallyAcquired Active Immunity -      obtained after recovers from the infection

Artificially Acquired Active Immunity - obtained through vaccination or immunisation

i) NaturallyAcquired Passive Immunity - obtained from the mother through
                                                                   breast milk(colostrum) or via placenta

ii) Artificially Acquired Passive Immunity - Obtained through the injection of a serum
                                                                        contain specific antibody (antiserum)


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