Monday 21 November 2011

6.5 Assimilation of digested food in the liver and body cell.

Able to explain the assimilation of digested food ie. glucose , amino acids and lipids


P1 : Excess glucose in the blood is converted to glycogen and

        stored in the liver

P2 :  When glucose level in the blood is low, glycogen is

        converted to glucose in the liver

P3 : Excess glucose is converted to lipids by the liver

P4 : In the body cells , glucose is oxidized to release energy in 

       cellular respiration

Amino acids

P5 : Amino acids is used to synthesise protein in the liver.

P6 : Excess amino acids undergo deamination  to

        produce urea in the liver.

P7 : Urea is then eliminated by the kidney  

P8 : Amino acid is used to synthesise enzymes /antibodies /

        hormones/new protoplasm/ repair damaged tissues

        in body cells  


P9 : Excess lipids is stored in adipose tissues
P10 : Phospholipids and cholesterol make up the plasma membrane.                                                                              

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