Monday 21 November 2011

Chapter 5: Cell Division

Able to state two characteristics of daughter cell when parent cell undergoes Mitosis process based on :

  • Number of chromosomes
  • Genetic content

Sample answers:

-The daughter cell has similar number of chromosomes to the parent cell

- The daughter cell has similar genetic content to the parent cell

Able to state what happens in the cell during interphase.

Sample answers :

· Protein is synthesised, number of organelles increases and energy is storaged

· Replication of DNA

· Final preparation of cell for cell division to take place //synthesis of cellular materials// mitotic spindle begins to form// Energy storage increases

Able to describe the behaviour of chromosomes during prophase, metaphase, anaphase and metaphase using suitable diagrams.

Prophase ;
The chromosomes in the nucleus condense and become more tightly coiled.  They appear shorter, thicker and are visible under the light microscope.

Metaphase :
Chromosomes are line up on the metaphase plate
The two sister chromatids are still attached to one another at the centromere
Anaphase :
The two sister chromatids of each chromosome separate at the centromere
The sister chromatids are pulled apart to the opposite poles by the shortening of the spindle fibres that connect  chromosomes to the poles
Telophase :
Begins when the two sets of chromosomes reach the opposite poles of the cell.
The chromosomes start to uncoil and revert to their  extended state ( chromatin ).
The chromosomes become less visible under the microscope.

Able to state the important of mitosis

Sample Answer :

  1. in growth process // to increase the number of cells ( during the growth process)
  2. Cell replacement // To replace dead and damaged
  3. Regeneration // Production of new cells
  4.  Asexual reproduction // the production of new individuals ( from parent organism )

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